I thought I had registered to vote when I updated my driver's license. We've lived in Buffalo County for three years, why was my voter registration still in Douglas County?!
Confession: I procrastinated figuring this out.
Confession: I often procrastinate similar grown up type tasks.
I missed the voter registration deadline.
I was SO SAD that I had missed my chance to vote this year! It would be the first time since '96 that I had missed a vote. I was SO MAD at myself for letting that happen. Kicking myself. Pouting. Frustrated. Looking for the rewind button.
I threw up a hail mary this morning and emailed our election office. I got the answer I had expected, that I had missed the deadline and was out of luck.
Then, I got a second email from the same woman. PLEASE CALL ME! I really did call her (which is kind of a big deal because phone calls are another thing I tend to procrastinate). She checked out my record and I really had registered with the DMV, my registration just hadn't made it to the election office. I couldn't thank her enough for doing that, she made my day. It was so great that she did some checking, I didn't even know to ask her to do that!
So I get to go vote today. On a provisional ballot with some extra paperwork to prove I'm not trying to vote in two counties at once. Hooray!!
A Buffalo County election official saves the day!
And I can remember how important it is to vote, I realized that after I almost couldn't. I knew it was important, but I didn't KNOW. Until that point, I had taken it for granted.
Lesson learned.
YAY! I really do find the entire American voting process mind boggling.
In Canada I just show up at my local polling place with photo ID showing my current address. They would check that against a master list. If I didn't have photo ID or provincial health card, I can show 2 pieces of non photo ID one of which note my address. If I have zero ID, I need a registered elector to swear an oath as to my identity.
But that's beside the point: YOU GET TO VOTE! Your story has a happy ending! DEMOCRACY IS AWESOME!
I know it. I was boggled by the whole experience and really kicking myself for not figuring it out. But I voted today, so it was all worth it!!
I LOVE this story!!!!
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