How do you sum up a year? For whatever reason, it is really important to me to catalog my years on this planet. I've got diaries dating back to '86. I keep scrapbooks for my kids. I take pictures like a crazy person.
I'm a sentimental fool. One might say.

Something I started in 2006 is making an annual photo book for our family album. They are slender, sleek, beautiful printed photo books that keep all of the memories I am so desperate to preserve. I use Kodak Gallery, because it's the first site I used and I'm a creature of habit. I know many sites offer it and there are many to choose from.
I just finished my 2008 book today and will look forward to it arriving next week some time. I ordered it in green this time.

I picture myself an old woman, with a shelf full of these books, pulling them down one by one for my great grandchildren to look at.
Would that I may be so fortunate.
Happy New Year!
The photobook looks interesting. What is the web site to make those?
I love those photo books! A relative made one for us after a beach reunion, and I was so taken with the idea--what a great way to preserve memories!
Happy New Year! is the site I use
I know that Shutterfly and Snapfish have them. Even Walgreen's and WalMart have their own versions. So easy to make, so much better than traditional (thick) photo albums.
Aliki - I've started making them for gifts too. I made one for my grandparents' 60th anniversary with a bunch of old, scanned pictures. We gave my parents one that I made of our trip to Destin, FL this past year.
Thanks, I'mma take a look at that. :)
I think the photo books are a great idea. I made one for me mother in law after our vacation this summer. I never thought to make one for ourselves. I am going to start that and make one for 2008! Thanks for the idea.
Happy New Year!
We also use Kodak Gallery at my house, but we just get the prints instad of books. Perhaps I ought to convince the family they'd be a good idea. :)
Oh, we are very alike! I have piles of old journals (although I'm still mad at myself for throwing away my ones from 6th grade through senior year in high school) and take photos like crazy. I also adore doing photo books - so much nicer and easier than printing all the photos. I love My Publisher for that and I treat myself to a Creative Memories digital scrapbook every once in a while.
But I am so impressed that you already have your 2008 book done. WOW!
Happy New Year!
What a great idea.
I'm an old woman, and I can't wait to pull one of your albums down and look at it. I had those in my brain when my children were young but they just got photo in magnetic page albums. They get to redo them into archival quality pages or when they are old women/men they'll have to look at fading ghost pictures.
I love that photo book! Seems like it would keep better than the typical cut and paste-type scrapbooks - I am going to do one and check it out.
Happy and Prosperous, joyful and peaceful New Year wishes to you and your family!
What a wonderful idea! I might have to try it :) I'm hoping to really get into digital scrapbooking this year - I used to really be into the regular ol' type, but that was BB (before Brady). I developed a whole new hobby after he was born :)
Best wishes for a wonderful year in 2009!!!
Oh - I definitely scrapbook the old fashioned way too. My kids' scrapbooks are paper (and paper and paper and paper). It's a hobby and I love it. We just don't have room for that many if I made them for the family too. I'd need a shed out back! :0)
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