Why would someone research this? You ask. Well, it's how I do anything at all in my life that I haven't done before. Even if I already know how.
So Aliki obliged my questioning and wrote me a whole post about it. I knew from previous posts that she's done time in the cafeteria.
I hunted online for a nice container to put B's lunch in. I couldn't face spending $30 to have something nice shipped to my house. If I knew she wouldn't lose it or throw it in the trash can, I'd go for it. Then I found these containers - score! for less than $4. It will hold her crackers, cheese, grapes, carrots, etc. perfectly. There's still room in the box for a reusable ice pack and her milk box. It's just a clear, plastic container with dividers, nothing fancy.

Problem being, is having your already odd lunch (healthy items, no pre-packaged stuff) in an odd container going to lead to lunchroom teasing? If there's one thing I don't want to do is to set up a kid to be teased for something I've done...not this anyways.
It seems I'm doomed to fuss over something and if it's lunch, so be it.
To save from getting made fun of for the odd container, give it some bling! Let B decorate it with jewels (can I assume since this isn't a regulation box it won't be going in the dishwasher?) At any rate, take B to the craft store and let her pick out the bling herself! That should make her feel great about her new container because what other student is going to have their own "bling-your- own-lunch" box?
Hey Twinny - not a bad idea! It'll get rinsed every afternoon (in theory) but no dishwasher. We could put bling around the sides, leaving the top open for where the ice and milk will sit. I may have to see what B thinks about that!
My kids have never been teased for their very, very weird lunches, and we live in a hick town. So unless her lunches are smelly or yucky in some way, she's probably good.
Aw jeez, I hope there would be nothing yucky or smelly!!!
And don't forget to add a cookie or two. That will let all the other kids know how cool her mom is!
WHY CAN'T I HAVE A SNACK PACK?!?!? JUST GIVE ME A SNACK PACK!!!! (name that movie!!)
I can tell you from experience that no one is going to make fun of her. I PROMISE you that. Her personality and flare for life will keep that from happening. The kids don't have time at lunch to make fun of anyone, and I can tell you that from what I saw when volunteering in A's K class, the kids are going to LOVE her container. Especially if it has some flare to fit her personality. What about some type of marker to put her name on it so that if it does end up found in the trash they can maybe return it..... and it can still go in the dishwasher if needed?
Where did you end up finding them online? I am glad you found them I know how hard you were looking!!!! YAAAAYYYY INTERNET!!!! ;)
I agree with n30. She'll be fine. It is normal for mother & child to be apprehensive before K. It is a big step. I still cry every time my kids leave me. (MBG caught me once.) BUT I do NOT want them to change what they do or where they go. I want them to go on adventures and learn and love and LAUGH! Again, it is normal to feel protective- after I had children I knew I could "kill" to protect them.......doesn't my brain go to strange places? I know I'm overbearing but I'm so afraid I'll not do something I'm supposed to do so I "do too much" (that's the name of the book I got the Golda Meir quote from, "Mothers Who Do Too Much". BE PREPARED, B's K teacher will now get credit for all the things you've been teaching her, e.g. "Miss ? says, I need to eat fruits and vegetable every day." or "Miss ? says we need to go to bed at 8 every night." I always wanted to yell, "Hey, wait a minute, I said that first...ten thousand times!" It is so exciting to see them love to learn and make friendships. Enjoy the JOY!
I need to shorten these blogs. GOAL- shorten blogs. AJ
I had no idea there was a sleazy version of Tinker Bell. Why does everyone insist on popping my bubble insulation from the world?! First time here from Beck's place.
Tinkerbell for teens, she's on hats, tees, bags. She can tend to be a little trashy. We like Peter Pan's version, still edgy, but cleaned up! :0)
We have never had any lunch time issues and my girls tend to eat odd lunches sometimes. Rosebud took the same snack to JK every single day for the entire year. I tried to change it once and she nearly melted.
thanks for the link! I just have Kayla buy lunch most of the time because it's easy LOL But I have the lunch menu for each month and I think on the days when it's something I know she won't eat I'm going to try sending her lunch. I like the idea of the little divided container.
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