Monday, February 12, 2007


I feel like a kid. Wishing for a snow day. Predictions are for snow, ice, typical Nebraska-in-February fare. And I'm dreaming of a snowy, stay-at-home Tuesday.

I'll never forget in high school, there was this day when I missed the news that school was a late start (I was driving myself to school by then). I got all the way up to school and there were no cars. It was the most bizarre thing. So I go all the way home and realize I could have slept in. That sucked! My mom worked for Head Start at that time and always had to leave the house really early. She obviously hadn't heard the news either, before she left. That was my first taste of being an "adult". Making it to school with no one to tell you not to go.

You can bet I'll be the first one listening to the radio in the morning - dreaming and wishing and hoping and planning....

Come on snow day!


Jacqniel said...

Snow Dance!!!!!!!!

Mimi said...

We had a snow day here a couple of weeks ago, and all I could think was 'hooray! Now I can get some work done!'

How sad is that?

Thanks for coming by my blog! Nice to meet you!

nikkis30by30 said...

Ok, so I pose THIS question....... IF you get a snow day.... what will you do?!?! I personally will just sit in front of the TV thinking of all the things I SHOULD be doing, all the while NOT doing any of them and sipping some of my yummy hot tea, etc.

The saddest part of this is that I am actually hoping for a snow day too. And tomorrow is supposed to be my first day with a new daycare kid. If there is no school I won't have him, since his mom is a para at our school. It isn't that I am not excited to have him here.... he is 1 year old and I am thinking this will cure my "I need a baby" syndrome!! Catch 22..... gets me every time!!!