Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Sun Came Up This Morning

'Tis better to hope, though clouds hang low,
And keep the eyes uplifted;
For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through,
When the ominous clouds are lifted.
There never was a night without a day
Or an evening without a morning,
And the darkest hour, as the proverb goes,
Is the hour before the dawning.


nikkis30by30 said...

Said person has asked me the same thing. Isn't it odd how something that can relieve so much for you and I is so misunderstood by others? It's ok though. I have decided that it tends to help me. And that's what matters. Getting it off our chests. It it therapy. And it's fairly free of monetary costs. Keep it up. Even your "down" blogs help me. It makes me realize that I am not alone in the world of sad things like cancer and hurt and sadness.

I too try and look on the bright side. Mainly for my kids, but also because the more I think of the sadness and pain, the sadder and madder I get. It isn't that I bottle it up, it's that I don't like being sad. No one does. But it's part of life. And we must talk about such things. Sometimes the bad needs to be out there more than the good, because talking about it will help us to come out of the fog.

You, my dear cousin, are not alone. Ever. Not only in blogosphere (sp) but in the "real" world. Know that you are loved and very missed right now, and I am only a phone call (or email) away.

Michelle said...

what beautiful poem, thank you for sharing!

Kelly said...

That is beautiful!

Jenifer said...

For me, living through those dark moments has made me stronger person and able to cope much better. NO ONE likes it and it really does SUCK, but somehow it does make us stronger.

Anonymous said...

This has been such a rough year for you Melanie. My heart just aches that you have gone through so much at such a young age. It is all hard to understand, but as we know we are not suppose to understand it all. I have so many questions when I get to Heaven.
You are such an amazing young lady who does so much for so many. I think it might be time to "Fill Your Bucket" as it gets very empty at different times in our lives.
Blessings to you and your family this Holiday Season. Hugs, di

Ms. Skywalker said...

I hope you can write that on the walls of your soul.

Angeline said...

indeed, the hour before dawn is the darkest...

its really terrible when you are in the darkest hour, don't know what to expect, lost, lonely, the worst is you have no idea how long more before dawn comes...

it happens so often in life...*sigh* I guess that's just parts and parcel of life

OhTheJoys said...

Thank you for that. Truly.

Katie Brenneman said...

Take time to find the joys int he holidays OM. Sit down and count the lights on the tree, string popcorn and cover pine cones in peanut butter and nuts for the birds with your beautiful kids. Dance to the music and make sure to shake all those presents under the tree!

Midwest Beach Girl said...

I just love it when you find words that have been printed before that express your ideas in an eloquent manner. Great poem! I hope that this is as dark as your night gets. Bring on the dawn!!!!