Friday, January 4, 2008


My resolutions are exactly what they were last year. Go here and then come back.

See? Good ones, right? Of course, I haven't figured out how to do all of that, or I'd have a book deal and my own talk show by now. So I'll give it another go.

I've mentioned that 2008 is going to be a better year. I'm banking on it. The fact that I'll come closer this year to meeting these goals than I did last year. And I really did okay last year.

I don't make the resolutions with the intention of meeting every single one. It is more in the pursuit. For I can always be a better person. That is why I make resolutions. Why I give myself a fresh start every year.

Until I am perfect (I'm oh, so close...), I'll resolve to do better.


NotSoSage said...

All good goals, every one. And working on them throughout last year and this one? That's good too.

I wish you luck (perfection is only a hop, skip and a jump away).

Beck said...

They are ALL good goals. My sole goal this year is to be less fat. Wish me luck.

Michelle said...

I agree - those are good goals to work on! You're one step ahead of me as I didn't even make any resolutions!

Mimi in the Midwest said...

You be able to "do all of that" you need to have the "sacrifice" gene removed or have a frontal lobotomy. I think it is your nature and sex to nurture others. I can't say it's a bad thing but hard on our being "really" healthy. We moms are healthy but just on the edge..... so-o-o..... we don't sleep enough, eat the wrong foods, don't eat the right foods, forget things, snap at those we love the most, forget to get our hair cut/fixed, buy our husbands and children clothing but we wear the same old thing, don't exercise, forget things, don't read fun stuff but "how to improve self, mothering, spirit, teacher, etc., forget things, spend money as a stress releaser, talk to strangers but not the person in the church pew beside us, forget things, I think you get the picture...and lastly we forget things. So, from an old lady just love yourself enough to take care of you like you do others. (I believe I read someplace- "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might and your neighbor as yourself." So if I can recall my English that means first you have to love yourself.) "Lecture exceeded the 20 minute limit." Sorry. Love Yourself. Love, Aunt J p.s. you're doing great!!!

Mimi in the Midwest said...

I just re-read my post. I meant to start with To not You. That's what I get for cut and paste.

Mimi said...

These really are good resolutions ... even the second time. I like your idea that the goal is not to meet the goals but rather to keep trying to meet them. That's exactly right I think. Gosh you're posting some really clever stuff this month! You are my new blog hero.

Jenifer said...

The goal is in the trying I think. That is always a noble pursuit.