- Each player lists 8 facts or habits about themselves.
- The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before the list of 8.
- At the end of the post, the person tags 8 people, then going to comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged.
- I was a four sport athlete in high school (volleyball, basketball, track, softball). I'm now a chubby-sometimes-to-the-gym mom who wishes she still worked out three hours a day (NOT!). Okay, who still wishes she looks like she did when she worked out three hours a day.
- I make great pie. Good enough, that perhaps I could even entice AD, who claims to not like pie.
- I like lists. I am enjoying this one right now. I make lists when we go somewhere. Lists for groceries, meal plans, goals, to do lists, you name it. I enjoy them.
- My one year old is crying right now, from the TV room (gated in). I've gated him in so that the dog can eat without the one year old's "help". I have a laptop with wireless, but I sit up here on my desktop because I also don't want his "help".
- My husband sleeps in EVERY weekend. I know that's not about me, but the fact that he sleeps in means that I get up with the kids 7 days a week. When I point that out and suggest a trade every now and then, he smiles. But does not say yes. We have traded a total of 5 times in 4 years. That's 5 mornings out of 1460.
- I drive a white mini van. I didn't fight it. I like driving my white mini van. We call it Vanna White.
- I make a whole pot of coffee every morning and drink one cup. Some mornings two, if the first cup has gotten cold before I finished it.
- I don't mow the lawn. Ever.
- Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes
- Jacque at Jacque's Place
- Nikki at Random Things
- Stacey at Fit for Florida
- Mimi on the Breach
- Swistle
- Brady's Mom at Brady's Bunch
- Julie at Busy Kids