No name yet. Maybe by now they've decided. This morning the new mom and dad were still pondering a few. Their dilemma comes from the narrow space of choices from which they have to pick. You see, their first two boys are Tyler and Trevor. Their dad is Troy. Seeing a trend?
Here are some they are toying with: Tanner, Tegue (sp?), Tre, Trent, Tate...I think that's the short list right now. It was going to be Trent. But baby's daddy has a first cousin Trent and his parents have made comments about having two Trents in the family with the same surname. Then it was definitely Tre. Well, the maternal grandma made a funny face at that one. So I voted for Tate. If they ever have a girl (#4?) she will be Kate, so I think they should have Kate and Tate just to make the baby name saying even more difficult than having four males in the house with letter T names. Their dog is Tippy, by the way.
I love baby time. Even though we are probably done after our two kids, I just love baby time. It gets me itching to have my own little bundle. Not enough to actually do it, just enough to go, "Aw, we should have another one." To which hubs raises his eyebrow and changes the subject.
What did I take to the hospital? Well, glad you asked.
For mom, a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a ceramic holder that will actually look good in their nursery. Also for the nursery, a picture frame that I just thought was awesome. It has spots for four pictures and magnetic captions you place below each. Some of the captions are first smile, crawling, first tooth and so on, so it grows with the baby if you want to change the pictures. It's pretty cool.

For baby, diapers - well, that's more for mom and dad, but he gets to wear them.
For all the boys, a Playskool race car set. They're little plastic cars that you put in the top of each ramp and race to the bottom. I thought his older brothers can "take care" of it until he's old enough to play with it!

That's it for tonight. I'm pretty sure my one-year old has wedged the sliding door open and escaped outside. Good thing the yard is fenced!
Aahhhh- snuggling a baby - just thinking about it can lower one's blood pressure. Thanks for sharing.
I always think I "need" a new baby, too.... until I look at the three I have and remember that those little quiet precious bundles grow up and start mouthing off!! LOL!!!
Congrats again to you and J!!
Mmmmmmmm--great post! I can't wait to hear what name they choose! For boy T names, I kind of like Tobin and Turner.
I like Turner! Nice.
When it comes to baby names there is a fine line between theme/tradition and bad habit. Just sayin'.
But congrats just the same. I'm on a strict no-snuggling-little-baby regime. Until the OmegaMan gets the snip and then it'll be a non-issue.
A family I knew growing up decided to name all their kids names starting with M.
They eventually had 12 kids. Some of those later names were PRETTY BAD.
They should probably go with Tate - still a T name but distinguishes itself from the rest of them.
A family I knew growing up decided to name all their kids names starting with M.
They eventually had 12 kids. Some of those later names were PRETTY BAD.
They should probably go with Tate - still a T name but distinguishes itself from the rest of them.
I like Tate and Tanner. I also LOVE snuggling little babies. But I'll just have to get my fill from work as we are done. congrats!!
Aw, new baby snuggles! I try and stay away from new babies...I don't want to crave them!
Aaah new babies. Did you just want to sniff the scent right off of him ? I love the way they smell (and feel and look). How heavenly!
sounds like you had fun shopping for your new nephew :)
Congratulations on a new little member of the family!
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