It's about making the spaces you dwell within a comfortable place. It's about surrounding yourself with good energy to maximize your creativity, health, optimism, and so on.
Right now, I've got zero feng shui going on. My house is a mess. My classroom is a mess, through no fault of my own (they've used it for storage over the summer during construction), my office is a mess. You name it. I've got messes everywhere!
I'm slowly cleaning up the messes at home this week and they are staying picked up now that we're gone during the day. We come home at night and do supper, bath, play time (brief) and bed time. Maybe throw in a Dora DVD in there and that's what our week nights are like once we're back to the work week routine.
I'm convinced that if I was home year-round, we would live in absolute squalor. I could be wrong, but judging how this summer went, I'm pretty sure. Empty fruit snack bags, string cheese wrappers, and sippy cups litter the floors. There are marks in the carpets from drips, drool, and the dog. Laundry, both clean and dirty, is strung over anything standing still. Every toy we've ever bought has been drug out at put away a million times.
I'm not sure I could do it year-round.
I love the balance of teaching. Just when you are burnt out on your job and think you can't do it anymore, you've got a break. Then when you're ready for some routine and a different type of day, it's time to go back to work.
It works for me.
This morning I worked in my office at school, weeding out memos from last year that will be updated and handed out this year. I filled a trash can full of papers that I won't need. I almost have a desk top! I'm back home now, and it's time to tackle that kitchen floor. It is so sticky, my feet make an icky-sticky sound when I walk across it! Many, many such tasks to tackle over the next week and a half, both here and at work.
I just hope I'm up for the challenge.
I wish everyone I know would read this posting. Your "at home house" sounds exactly like mine. Your "at work house" sounds like my house when the kids all go back to school and I have a little more time to "breathe".
Hope you get all you want accomplished in the weeks to come!
Ah, it's a definite struggle ...it is hard to keep a clean house while working full time and being a mom.
I feel like i'm constantly cleaning.
But you know what sometimes you just gotta let things go in order to have a decent quality of life!!
Good luck!
My house pretty much stays picked up now - so someday yours will, too. Until then - just go with the flow 'cause it won't be long and they will be grown. Enjoy.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and for your kind words!
You are right...getting away from either kind of full time job helps for a little while :) That's why I love my part time job...it's just enough. I currently have 1 clean (well mostly clean) room in my apartment. Maybe when the kids go to school????
I don't know about working inside vs. outside the house. But blogging has certainly assisted the messy state of our house.
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