My mom is apparently Super Woman.
When I get tired, she just keeps plugging away. When I'm complaining that my back hurts, or I've grown bored of whatever task we're on - she just keeps plugging away.
She's amazing. I've never met anyone with so much energy!
So she came to town to help me organize and clean up my basement. We did that on Saturday, plus laundry. Then today worked on my upstairs. We did all three bedrooms and the bathrooms. Plus more laundry. Between Goodwill, a second-hand kids' store, and the trash - I got rid of a ton of stuff!
Pictures tomorrow. It looks awesome!
Thanks mom - I am so grateful you came! What we accomplished in two days, I could not have done over weeks and weeks. Oh who am I kidding - I couldn't have done it without you!
I'm grateful for mom. She's just so cool.
Aren't our mothers amazing? I seriously wish I knew what made them tic, cuz I want to purchase some by the gallon! (Not to mention what makes them age so well!) Can't wait for the pics.
I have to say DITTO to both of you. I love it when Mom comes to help out!! How they do it, I will never know.
sounds like definitely have a mom to be grateful for!
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